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Added on August 16, 2010, 17:22, Comments: 160
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Added on August 16, 2010, 17:22, Comments: 182
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Added on August 16, 2010, 17:22, Comments: 110
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Added on August 16, 2010, 17:22, Comments: 102
Tiger, steven tyler rehab a long conversation with him. The man looked at Bond and his eyes twinkled. He bowed steven tyler rehab and led the way inside. It was cool out of the sun. There were, rows of stalls in which vastly fat brown cows lay chewing the cud. A gay small dog was licking the muzzle of one of them and steven tyler rehab occasionally given a lick in return. The herdsman lifted a barrier and said something to one of the cows which got unsteadily up on to legs that had become spindly through lack of exercise. It ambled unsteadily, out into the sunshine and looked warily at Tiger and Bond. The herdsman hauled out a crate of beer bottles. He opened one and handed it to Bond. Tiger said peremptorily Give, it steven tyler rehab the cow to drink. Bond took the bottle and walked boldly up to the cow who steven tyler rehab her head and opened her slavering jaws steven tyler rehab.
Added on August 16, 2010, 17:22, Comments: 61
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